Colin's First Article Test

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Colin's First Article Test

Here is where I commence plagiarizing an interview that was done by Ryan Chelius...

Growing up in a small farm town, I was surrounded by livestock and wildlife. We had acreage and could hunt out of our back door. Later, I found out I had a certain amount of artistic ability and a great high-school art teacher to help me get started. Wildlife was my first love and passion, and art came later. Eventually, I combined them into a career.

An Interview with Ryan Kirby is Below!

F&S: What inspired you to become a wildlife artist?

RK: Growing up in a small farm town, I was surrounded by livestock and wildlife. We had acreage and could hunt out of our back door. Later, I found out I had a certain amount of artistic ability and a great high-school art teacher to help me get started. Wildlife was my first love and passion, and art came later. Eventually, I combined them into a career.

F&S: When did you start painting hunting and fishing scenes?

RK: My high-school art teacher got me involved in the junior duck stamp program in the late ‘90s. That’s where I started, and I ended up winning the national competition when I was a junior in high school. After that, the older guys at our local gun club would bring photos of their bird dogs for me to paint. I would go to the club every Thursday to shoot trap with my high school team, and the older gentlemen there would hand me 5X7 glossy photos of their labs and pointers for me to reference. That’s where I got my first real commission and sold my first pieces.

Ryan Kirby Wild Turkey Print

RK: My high-school art teacher got me involved in the junior duck stamp program in the late ‘90s. That’s where I started, and I ended up winning the national competition when I was a junior in high school.

  • After that, the older guys at our local gun club would bring photos of their bird dogs for me to paint.

  • I would go to the club every Thursday to shoot trap with my high school team, and the older gentlemen there would hand me 5X7 glossy photos of their labs and pointers for me to reference.

  • That’s where I got my first real commission and sold my first pieces.

RK: My high-school art teacher got me involved in the junior duck stamp program in the late ‘90s. That’s where I started, and I ended up winning the national competition when I was a junior in high school.

  1. My high-school art teacher got me involved in the junior duck stamp program in the late ‘90s.

  2. That’s where I started, and I ended up winning the national competition when I was a junior in high school.


RK: My high-school art teacher got me involved in the junior duck stamp program in the late ‘90s. That’s where I started, and I ended up winning the national competition when I was a junior in high school.

RK: My high-school art teacher got me involved in the junior duck stamp program in the late ‘90s. That’s where I started, and I ended up winning the national competition when I was a junior in high school.